Things are finally coming together! The past week has been relatively productive. All left to do now is assemble the wakeboard rope reel, assemble the transmission/clutch system and seal the welds! Not bad. If all goes to plan we'll be wakeboarding in no time. In theory.
"Mad respecta" to Valgrinda workshop for hooking us up with CNC job on the wakboard reel!
Heavy duty rollers bolted onto a rail for adjustability.

Most of the parts point welded together. Hopefullt next week we can seal the welds. Just gotta get the perfect position - where ever that is.

Measuring the fuel cap?!? Strike a pose. Dont ask why there is GT Bicycles banner in the background.

Terje welding on the engine base plate.

5-axis CNC milling machine doing the dirty work. Making the wakeboard rope reel walls. Designed on Autodesk Inventor. Imported to Gibbs and finally converted to 1437 lines of orders for the milling machine to process. Took about 1.5 hours for each of the side walls to be made once the programming was finished which took about 45 minutes.
Gibbs - Program used to make the tool paths for the mill.

Shredding away.

Done with the milling.

Voila! Straight out of the milling machine.

Our "connect" Vegard monitoring the mill.
Another benefit of the hydraulic winch in vehicle-mounted applications is its superior operation in cold climates.